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Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water/Fat Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains :

Package Contents:
- 50 tablets x 1 blister, 2 blister in box.
- 100 tablets in sachet.

Dosage Form: 10 mg / Tab
Effective Dose: 25 - 50 mg in every other day
Use for: Cycle Period

About Dianabol and its history

Dianabol is the famous brand name for methandrostenolone. This steroid was developed in 1955 by an American doctor named John Bosley Ziegler and quickly became popular among bodybuilders. It helped users build incredible muscle size and strength with less water retention than other oral anabolic steroids on the market. Dianabol's primary usage today remains for bulking cycles. Users typically add it into their stack with other compounds like Testosterone.

The Soviet Union had dominated the weightlifting events of 1952, winning three gold medals and setting two new world records. So Ziegler went back to his home country with an objective: create a compound even more potent than Testosterone so that they could defeat Russia's dominance in these Games. For him (and others) who wanted victory over communism by any means necessary- he would often serve as an experimental guinea pig himself, taking steroids that made him more potent but also addicted.

Ziegler's Dianabol was a breakthrough in the world of sports, and it quickly became one of ZIeiglers most well-known creations. With its increased anabolic rating (210 vs. 100), this new steroid far surpassed Testosterone as an athletic performance enhancer for athletes around today.

Dr. Ziegler found out that the Russian athletes were experiencing androgenic side effects during their time in Australia. They had trouble urinating due to enlarged prostates caused by high conversion from Testosterone into DHT (dihydrotestosterone).

Dr. Ziegler's goal was to create anabolic steroids more analogous in function and structure close to Testosterone but with less androgenic activity. He accomplished this by creating Dianabol, which has ratings of 60 for its degree of Androginicity compared to 100 being typical for Testosterone preparations.

By the mid-twentieth century, Dianabol was a popular and effective treatment for hypogonadism. Now doctors could successfully prescribe it in cases where there are testosterone deficiencies among men all over the US.

When men produce too much cortisol, their testosterone levels decrease, which causes them to lose interest in sex and become infertile. Dianabol corrected this hormone imbalance by helping men have children again due to its improved sperm count. However, it also increased their sexual well-being because of higher than average Testosterone levels, with other benefits such as better moods or greater mental clarity.

Ziegler found that Dianabol's effectiveness was due to its binding with the AR, causing remarkable rises in glycogenolysis and protein synthesis, causing a significant increase in muscular hypertrophy as well as strength (in a short period).

Benefits of Dianabol in Bodybuilding

In the late '60s, Dianabol's phenomenal muscle-building effects became publicly known to bodybuilders, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and other classic models such as Franco Columbu and Lou Ferrigno using it.

The golden era of Bodybuilding is when physiques became huge but remained equally aesthetic-looking. This look was much sought after and prized by many people worldwide until 50 years ago when Arnold Schwarzenegger took over as the number one idol for everyone who lifts weights or pushes a button on their cardio machine at home gym enthusiasts!

Bodybuilders during this era could go to their doctors and ask for Dianabol, an anabolic steroid. They were granted without hesitation because few people knew about the adverse effects or thought nothing of it since it was 100% legal back then in most places - so why not get big and strong?

Thirty-two years after the release and following a series of deaths from side effects related to Dianabol use in the US. It was eventually banned by the FDA for non-medicinal reasons; due to a new understanding of how this drug could cause severe problems when mixed with other substances or medications.

Dianabol has been used commonly among athletes looking for more significant muscle growth and sometimes causes many negative impacts on their bodies, such as liver damage if abused over prolonged periods at high dosages. Therefore, it's always important to know what risks may come along with specific performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) and research ways to reduce those chances while still obtaining healthy positive results.

People will take Dianabol for any of the following reasons:

  • Increased strength
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Free testosterone spike
  • More nitrogen retention
  • Increased protein synthesis
  • Higher red blood cell count

Dianabol is a powerful steroid that will cause dramatic changes to your body. It initially increases both strength and size by causing an initial surge in free testosterone levels, protein synthesis, and glycogenesis. Dianabol also increases intracellular water retention, which leads to increased muscle mass and improved performance as well!

Dianabol users report gaining up 25-30lbs on their bench press and other compound exercises during the administration's first week. The strength gains are truly remarkable, with some reporting experiencing them in early stages as well!

Users of Dianabol will gain 20lbs in the first 30 days. Most of this weight comes from muscle mass and some water retention, but it's important to note that not all women experience these side effects at the same rate as men do - many factors affect how much you put on, including your dieting efforts or lack thereof!

Some people may find they weigh more than expected after starting an AAS like Dianabol because their bodies retain fluid instead. Others might notice more significant increases even without exercise, while others won't see any different figure than what's considered average based on research thus far.

A user can gain 30lbs or more during a 6-week cycle with Dianabol, which is good because they typically want to increase muscle mass.

All anabolic steroids are chemical derivatives of Testosterone, which means when you administer them, your levels will rise. You need more for males than females because they produce certain hormones in their bodies that affect many bodily processes like building muscle or repairing bones; without these extra chemicals, men wouldn't be as healthy!

It's been said that men are only as strong and masculine as their hormones, but it turns out this is true for both sexes. Testosterone, in particular, helps with things like:

  • Hair growth (on the body)
  • Increasing muscle mass
  • An overall increase in strength
  • Sexual health (higher libido/stronger erections)
  • Full testicles
  • Self-confidence
  • Aggression (for explosive workouts)
  • Overall well-being
  • Fertility
  • Mental clarity and focus
  • Higher levels of energy
  • Faster recovery after exhausting workouts

Free Testosterone is the most critical hormone for bodybuilders because this "free" form can stimulate growth and development. In comparison to total Testosterone, free Testosterone will have more impact on one's bodily composition while taking anabolic steroids like Dianabol - but both readings rise significantly with increased dose intake!

For new muscle tissue to synthesize, the body must be in an anabolic environment. Therefore, a positive nitrogen balance is critical because it keeps our cells' anabolically challenged' - meaning they have all sorts of goodies available that can help with growth and repair. Similarly, a negative BALANCE leads us towards catabolic states where fewer nutrients are being utilized by organs such as muscles, leading them down their path toward wasting away due to lackluster function (or even just old age).

Professional bodybuilders know that one of their most important tasks is to try and stay in a positive nitrogen balance as long as possible. However, this can be challenging with all the protein they need to eat, but it's not difficult if they have Dianabol on their side! Positive nitrogen levels also enable the body to employ more of the protein consumed by an individual, contributing towards more muscle and strength gains.

Dianabol turbocharges protein synthesis to unnaturally high levels, resulting in damaged muscle cells from weight training that can grow bigger than before.

Enhanced recovery is why some users report that they sleep less when on Dianabol. For example, an individual who typically gets 7 hours of quality rest per night may naturally wake up after 6, feeling just as vigorous and fresh-faced with more energy than before! It seems that the body needs less time for restoration because it can recover much quicker without any detrimental effects from fatigue or exhaustion.

Individuals can successfully stack Dianabol for better results with other anabolic steroids, such as Deca 250 (Nandrolone), Anadrol, Test Depot, and many others. For stacking recommendations, please visit our stack page.

Side effects of Dianabol

Any steroid that causes a powerful positive reaction will also cause the opposite, usually equally so. Dianabol is banned for a good reason. It's dangerous and irresponsible when used without supervision from a doctor.

Some of the side effects users may experience while taking Dianabol:

  • High blood pressure (Hypertension)
  • Water retention (Oedema)
  • Gynecomastia (Gyno)
  • Liver damage (Cholestasis)
  • Suppressed Testosterone
  • Hair thinning (Alopecia)
  • Acne (Acne Vulgaris)
  • Roid rage
  • Virilization (in women)

While Side effects vary in severity, the most common are: increased blood pressure and heart rate. More severe side effects can include chest pains or an irregular heartbeat for those with pre-existing conditions such as Hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid). Many people only experience milder symptoms when taking Dianabol - these would generally affect moods/mood swings rather than physical health.

Team Bodytech final thought!

Any type and level of athlete can use Dianabol. As long as their main goal is to gain muscle mass and strength, Dianabol can be at hand for exercises or more within Bodybuilding. It works better in adults who already have a healthy body than those who need to eliminate fat, just like an extra effort on their part would do so with this steroid prescribed by a doctor.

Active Life: 30 min -1 hr
Half Life: 3-4 hours