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What are Androgenic Anabolic Steroids (AAS)?

To better explain the term AAS, we must understand each word, Androgenic Anabolic Steroid.


An androgen (including Testosterone) is any natural or synthetic steroid hormone responsible for developing male characteristics, including body hair, genital organs, and muscle mass. In addition, androgens are crucial for male sexual and reproductive function and affect bone and muscle development and metabolic systems.

Too little Androgen means the body has lower levels of male sex hormones, particularly Testosterone, required for good health and building and maintaining healthy muscle tissue. Androgen deficiency can cause problems of the testes, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus.

An effective way to treat Androgen deficiency is through Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Testosterone is administered by a medical professional by skin gels or creams. However, a more common approach is administering it through injections (intramuscular). Testosterone replacement therapy's most widely used products are Testosterone Enanthate ( long-acting ester) or Testosterone Propionate (short-acting ester).

It is also worthwhile noting that high Androgen levels can cause certain disadvantages to the body, such as: An increase in body temperature, resulting in sweat, thus creating a more elevated unpleasant body odor. It can also contribute to acne, rashes, and other unwanted allergic reactions.
The body's skin feels rougher, and skin pores are more prominent.
In some men, hair loss occurs.
A deeper voice.

These are some of the adverse effects of higher levels of Androgens by administrating it through injections or skin gels. However, there are also positive effects if administered correctly under medical supervision.

Individuals who are using Androgenic Anabolic Steroid may have an increase in strength and aggression. Unfortunately, these steroids can also stimulate the brain, which could lead to becoming irritable quickly. Anyone with a prior aggressive condition should try to avoid Steroids as this could easily enhance the effect of aggression and lead to roid rage. However, the advantage is that the body can control the CNS (Central Nervous System) better, allowing us to call the number of muscles that work more.

The individual can expect increased muscle size and firmness, an increase in red blood cells, faster workout recovery times, veins becoming more prominent, resulting in a more Vascular appearance, and the ability to reduce body fat.

What is Anabolic

Anabolic is a root word that means synthesis or creation itself. The Anabolic processes build organs and tissues. In addition, these processes produce growth and differentiation of cells and increase body size, which involves synthesizing complex molecules. Examples of anabolic processes include the development and mineralization of bone and increases in muscle mass.

Individuals who build muscle need to eat nutritional foods to keep the body in an anabolic state. There is no negativity about Anabolic. Anabolic, if in large quantity, can only build more muscle. Another advantage is higher protein synthesis and repair of damaged muscle fibers. Anabolic will increase strength by building more muscle mass.

Androgenic steroids have, over the many years, become a bodybuilder's tool of choice. It allows a competitive bodybuilder to build the most muscle possible, even after their natural and genetic limitation is exhausted. As for athletes, who require strength and endurance rather than huge muscles, steroids that are highly anabolic and less androgenic are better choices.

Each Steroid is either more or less androgenic and anabolic.

Steroids use Testosterone with an Androgenic rating of 100 and an Anabolic rating of 100 as the primary standard to measure the potency of each Steroid.