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Testosterone suspension

Strength :
Muscle Gain :
Water/Fat Loss :
Side Effects :
Keep Gains :

Package Contents:
- 1ml x 10 ampules in box
- 10ml x 1 vial in box

Dosage Form: 100 mg / ml
Effective Dose: 100 mg EOD.
Use for: Cycle Period

What is Testosterone Suspension

Water-dissolved testosterone was the first injectable steroid. During World War II, German armed forces used this to increase aggressiveness and stamina and assist in the recovery of malnourished prisoners of war (POWs). This form is nothing else than crystalline hormone mixed with water - it's so simple!

Soldiers needed injections for strength while fighting abroad. Still, there wasn't always enough time between battles, so they came up with having water mixed into crystals which would release its benefits when put into your bloodstream by using techniques learned decades earlier at Labs involved in producing pharmaceutical compounds.

The Soviet Union's weightlifters were at the height of their power during this time, and they had one significant advantage: Testosterone. So the country began experimenting with an injectable form that could give them some serious advantages over other countries. Others couldn't keep up because it lasts for only a few hours in your body before being excreted or metabolized by enzymes into another compound which then leaves you clean again (literally). So Russian athletes would take these injections daily while still winning all kinds of competitions against opponents worldwide!

With seven times greater potency than naturally occurring Testosterone in the body, Testosterone Suspension enables powerlifters to gain muscle fast. In addition, athletes inject daily doses of this drug during their final weeks before competitions, resulting in tremendous strength increases!

Testosterone Suspension is often used on the day of competition to increase aggressiveness and self-esteem. Therefore, this helps athletes approach complex tasks with the right attitude, which leads them to achieve success more quickly than others who do not take such measures before their event starts or compete without any injection at all!

Testosterone Suspension is a "secret" among Eastern European powerlifters and bodybuilders. Significantly women can change their estrogen-testosterone ratio to break down excessive water, which gives softer muscles better hardness in short time frames. In addition, female bodybuilders usually have more difficulty getting calves/upper tights condition for contest appearance than men because they need less work done on legs than other areas like arms or back.

One of the main reasons for aldosterone is to regulate water levels to maintain homeostasis. When there's too much estrogen, it can lead to an increase which will then cause more storage with regards to how quickly these hormones are being excreted out by your kidneys into the urine - leading you to have higher measurements over time than before if left unchecked! So what do we need? Lowering that Aldosterone level as soon as possible should be a top priority because this hormone does not play nicely otherwise.

It is essential to understand the different factors that will affect your performance in a competition. For example, women by default store fat and water mostly on their upper thighs, but it is possible to improve this with correct supplementation before one's day of contest or during those last four days leading up until it! Additionally, an optimal hormone level should include high testosterone levels and minimal estrogen. That way, you have enough energy while also staying hydrated from all body liquids, which translates into faster muscle recovery times after workouts due to less inflammation caused by cortisol irritation created when flooding muscles post-workout.

Benefits of Testosterone Suspension in bodybuilding

Testosterone Suspension is a powerful hormone that helps to build muscle. Testosterone Suspension can be used in place of normal Testosterone and provides many benefits. Benefits like increased strength and recovery time after exercise because there are no esters that would delay its absorption rate by traveling through your digestive system where they'd interfere with other hormones such as estrogen, letting them know when you're sick. Hence, their immune systems work better too!

The lack of these molecules means once this stuff makes it inside our bodies, all bets are off - we've got yourself an active ingredient ready to go right away without any interference from foodstuff.

When it comes to achieving anabolic environments, there is no better substance than Nitrogen. Without the necessary elements for protein synthesis and growth within your body's cells, you will not be able to repair or build new muscle tissue after working out at the gym. Testosterone Suspension helps speed up this process by providing more of what our bodies need during workouts to benefit all areas!

The human body becomes stronger, and muscles will grow while using Testosterone Suspension. This anabolic androgenic steroid promotes dramatic increases in strength within the muscles and lifting heavy weights at the gym, which can help you put your muscle under more stress-tensioning. In addition, this process will break it down efficiently into smaller bundles of proteins called amino acids that are efficiently utilized by cells throughout our bodies! Testosterone Suspension can help achieve it quicker than any other product on the market today!

Lifting weights is a great way to build muscle. Studies show that when people lift weights, microscopic tears occur in their muscles, leading to new tissue growth because our bodies rebuild and repair these damaged fibers afterward so we can keep getting stronger! Not only does this type of training promote hypertrophy, but being able to generate more power helps too, since progressive overload plays a vital role in increasing lean body mass, according to studies done at Penn State University.

The speed of Testosterone Suspension to increase testosterone levels makes it the ideal option for those who are at a plateau, and nothing is working when progress stalls. So adding Testosterone Suspension to the stack can be what it takes for an athlete struggling in reaching the goal of gaining mass.

Testosterone Suspension can help increase one's endurance, making one more competitive with professional athletes. It also means that they will recover faster after workouts because their bodies don't need as much rest time, which is essential for an athlete trying to perform at peak levels constantly throughout each workout session.

Testosterone Suspension increases total muscle mass while improving appearance and durability over natural testosterone production by both men or women who want better results in bodybuilding related exercises like weight lifting (lifting weights), powerlifting(squats/deadlifts), sprinting, etc.,

Athletes have been using Testosterone Suspension for years to stay on top of their game. It has a rapid detection window, so it can be an effective way of cheating without getting caught, but many side effects come along with this drug, too - some might not even affect performance at all!

Testosterone Suspension's biggest competitor when it comes to performance enhancement is Testosterone Cypionate. It all depends on the athlete's preferences, how much they want to spend, and their goals for any given cycle--especially what other compounds are in your stack!

A standard, intermediate cycle plan combines Testosterone Suspension with another Testosterone ester like Test Depot and other compounds like Deca 250.

Side effects of Testosterone Suspension

Testosterone Suspension may cause side effects in some people, but it is usually safe to use. The most significant risk for problems occurs when someone takes large doses or has a genetic element causing sensitivity towards hormones like Testosterone found naturally within their body's cells. For a person who has low testosterone levels, using Testosterone Suspension can effectively alleviate their symptoms.

If you are an athlete and have been producing enough Testosterone, then it's likely that your body has gone too far with its production. However, the good news is that a proper diet and training regime can resolve such side effects.

Testosterone Suspension enters the body quite rapidly, but there's a good reason for this. The lack of an ester means that you need to make sure that it goes in easily without being absorbed too quickly by your stomach acids before time has passed since administration. Also, counteracting any side effects as soon as they happen will give users better results overall!

Testosterone Suspension may cause androgenic side effects. They tend to only develop in those with a sensitivity or genetic link for male pattern baldness, though they can be more pronounced among people who already have this trait. These side effects can include:

Unwanted body hair

Testosterone is metabolized by 5-alpha reductase to form DHT, which causes the use of Finasteride as a prevention measure.


Testosterone Suspensions can make your blood pressure and cholesterol levels worse. Individuals with regular high readings aren't good candidates for Test Suspension. There may also be issues related to liver function that will need attention if you want this type of compound in your program.


All Testosterone can turn into estrogen in the body, and that's even more so when you don't have an ester to protect it. When this happens, there are side effects, including:

There is an enzyme in our body called aromatase. Too much estrogen will promote fat and muscle loss, leading to serious health issues like heart disease or diabetes. Despite the AI-boosted effectiveness of Testosterone Suspension, it's important to note that AIs are still capable enough when it comes to reducing estrogenic side effects.


Testosterone Suspension won't harm your liver.

Team Bodytech final thought!

The use of Testosterone Suspension is considered to be the most potent testosterone compound you can find. It has been shown in animal and human-based studies and anecdotal evidence from users themselves that it's an excellent choice for increasing one's levels or enhancing performance no matter what their sport may be - whether competitive or recreational based on preference! Furthermore, the gains made with this supplement are usually noticeable within just days upon ingestion, making them very encouraging since they happen so quickly, too, making everything better than expected.

Testosterone Suspension offers a variety of benefits, including increased endurance, growth, and muscle maintenance. It also speeds up healing! Testosterone Suspension is a wonderful addition to any stack. Athletes and bodybuilders can use it both during cutting cycles or bulking periods, depending on what you're looking for in your steroids experience- it's not limited! Use this hormone only one-half of the total cycle time to avoid wasting any potential gains from its use; don't forget how much stronger those muscles will become at their full power if given enough time with no interruption.